Selective School Preparation

Programme Details

Our Premium Selective School Preparation Programme consists with one full year of well-planned and fully test focused content. Each session runs for 2 hours per week, and you will get practice test papers under strict time conditions.

The schools are:

  • Melbourne High School (boys only) in South Yarra.
  • The Mac. Robertson Girls’ High School (girls only) in Melbourne.
  • Nossal High School (all genders) in Berwick.
  • Suzanne Cory High School (all genders) in Werribee.

The tutoring session consists with nothing but the test focused content.

Benefits of our Premium program:

  • Teach, revise, and enrich your understanding of the course content.
  • Increase your self-confidence and maximise your performance towards the success of exam.
  • Develop your time management skills.
  • Develop your effective problem-solving strategies.
  • Receive expert and tailored techniques from subject specialists to increase your test score.

Cranbourne Campus

146A High Street, Cranbourne, 3977, VIC (First floor next to Finning real estate)

$78 per 2 hours – Monthly
$72.54 per 2 hours – Termly


Please click below link to express the interest for Premium Selective School Preparation Programme.

Starting Date: Sunday 16th June 2024

  • Mathematics and Numarical Reasoning

    Year 7
    Time: Sunday, 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm

    Year 8 ( completed )
    Time: Sunday, 5.00pm – 6.30 pm

    Program out line:

    Students will gain thorough knowledge of Mathematics and Numarical Reasoning

  • Persuasive or Creative Writing, Reading Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning

    Year 7
    Time: Sunday, 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm

    Year 8 ( completed )
    Time: Sunday, 3.30 pm – 5.00 pm

    Program out line:

    Students will gain thorough knowledge of Persuasive or Creative Writing, Reading Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning.

Keysborough Campus

8B/7-9, Futura Road, Keysborough, 3173, VIC (First floor)

$ 78 per 2 hours – Monthly
$72.54 per 2 hours – Termly


Please click below link to express the interest for Premium Selective School Preparation Programme.

Starting Date: Wednesday 17th June 2024

  • Mathematics and Numarical Reasoning

    Year 7
    Time: Monday, 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm

    Year 8 ( completed )
    Time: Wednesday, 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm

    Program out line:

    Students will gain thorough knowledge of Mathematics and Numarical Reasoning

  • Persuasive or Creative Writing, Reading Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning

    Year 7
    Time: Monday, 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm

    Year 8 ( completed )
    Time: Wednesday, 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm

    Program out line:

    Students will gain thorough knowledge of Persuasive or Creative Writing, Reading Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning.

Mount Waverley Campus

5 Fleet Street, Mount Waverley, VIC, 3149

$78 per 2 hours – Monthly
$72.54 per 2 hours – Termly


Please click below link to express the interest for Premium Selective School Preparation Programme.

Starting Date: Saturday 15th June 2024

  • Mathematics and Numarical Reasoning

    Year 7
    Time: Saturday, 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm

    Program out line:

    Students will gain thorough knowledge of Mathematics and Numarical Reasoning

  • Persuasive or Creative Writing, Reading Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning

    Year 7
    Time: Saturday, 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm

    Program out line:

    Students will gain thorough knowledge of Persuasive or Creative Writing, Reading Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning.

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Here are the Tuition Zone’s 6 key ways for students to stay motivated, productive and re-energize during the middle of the year

Make a plan
Making a detailed plan is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t fall behind with your workload. Planning your week/month or even year in advance can be a great way to remind yourself of all the tasks that are coming up and even be excited for them! It’s also a great way to ensure that no tasks or deadlines surprise you. You could use a good old-fashioned calendar or diary to keep track or use online software and applications such as Wunderlist, Google Calendar and Trello.

Rehearse your victories
It’s all too easy for us to remember our failure and dwell on them, as I’m sure you know. It is far too easy to remember one’s shortcomings and to forget one’s victories. An excellent way to stay motivated throughout the school year is to remember your victories, whether small or large. This could take the form of having an award you won on your study desk as a reminder of your capabilities and past achievements or reminiscing with your family or friends about the time you achieved the best marks on the practice tests.

Stay healthy and fit
Whilst it’s particularly important to study hard, apply yourself and balance your multitude of tasks, the importance of staying healthy both physically and mentally cannot be undervalued. At the heart of your education, your accomplishments and your future ambitions is you. In order for all of these to thrive, you must be fit and healthy. Keyways to look after your health is to stay hydrated, maintain a balanced, nutritious diet and a routine of mild to vigorous exercise..

Reward yourself
Following on from taking care of one’s health, it’s just as important to take care of your mental health as well as your physical health while studying. Taking a small break from study to reward one’s self can do wonders for one’s productivity and learning and memory capabilities. This reward can take the form of watching a movie, going for a hike, playing a game or engaging in a hobby.

Be inspired
It can be hard to maintain your level of enthusiasm and motivation throughout the school year. While energy levels may be abundant at the beginning of the school year, they can drop significantly towards the middle of the school year.
At times like that, it’s important to remind yourself of your end goals and of what inspires you. It would be useful to think about what inspires you and motivates you to achieve your goals, whether this be your parents, teachers, heroes or people working within your dream profession. Finding your inspiration can involve research into the fields of work that interests you.

Do the toughest task first
Finally, a practical tip that’s tried and tested. It’s all too easy to avoid doing a certain set of tasks or starting a to-do list simply because one task on the list stands out as daunting and overwhelming. It’s yet easier to start the rest of the tasks in dread of the daunting task and have a less than productive and unhappy day. In situations like this, it is often best to tackle the most difficult task on your list first and you’ll often find the task was not that difficult after all.
