Tips to make the best use of the summer holidays and keeping on track with your academic goals

Hello and happy holidays from all of us here at Tuition Zone! We hope you have had a great year and you have hit all your academic goals and tried your hardest! Now it is time for a break, you have earned it. Going into the festive season, it is important for all of us to take some time to look back on the year and make note of what we have achieved and what we are yet to achieve.

 It is a great time of the year to set goals for the new year. These can include consistently fitting in reading (fiction/non-fiction), keeping organized with assessment deadlines with the use of a calendar, diligently noting study areas you struggle with so you can get extra help during tutoring sessions etc.

It is paramount that we all take some time to recharge during the festive season. Study is not the only important thing in your life after all.  Make sure to fit in fun activities during the holidays which include getting active, catching up with friends and spending quality time with family.

One of the best and most effective ways to keep on track with your academic goals over the summer is to plan and making a timetable. Generally, fitting in study time every second or third day is a good idea. Setting aside some time several times a week to catch up on curriculum reading, holiday homework and go over textbooks ensures you do not lose track of your goals and lose touch with the routine of study.

It is also a great idea to get the hardest tasks out of the way first and foremost. This ensures that you get those tasks done and that they do not weigh your other leisurely activities down. The less time you spend stressing about those tasks, the better.

This way, the students can enter the new-year confident in their knowledge and well prepared for new challenges and learning.
